Friday, May 13, 2016

In this present moment

Life is a series of individual moments that, when viewed collectively, comprise your existence or at least as you know it. I think sometimes we get so caught up in the bigger picture of our lives that we forget just "being" in each individual moment. I had the opportunity to just BE yesterday and it was profound.

I am a Broker with Keller Williams Realty. The second Thursday of every May is known as RED Day, and every Keller Williams office worldwide shuts their doors for that one day to give back to our respective communities. This year, my office chose to do our day of service at Hope Reins of Raleigh. This is a phenomenal organization dedicated to helping children who have been hurt by circumstances beyond their control. Horses are their counselors, particularly horses who have been rescued out of some of the same circumstances as the kids who attend sessions there.

I learned so much yesterday! I learned about how horses are much like humans yet also elevated over us. They are like us is that they live in communities where there are leaders, followers, and nurturers. They are far superior to us however in that they have mastered the art of just being in the moment. They don't have an agenda and if they are hanging out near you then you are accepted as part of their community. You don't have to touch them or them touch you in order to be validated.

We did an exercise where we slowly walked around and gradually integrated into where they were standing. They acknowledged our presence when we were six to eight feet away from them. We humans are so overly distracted that we do not see others or sense impending danger until things are right up on top of us in our personal space. Though horses are rather large in stature they are still considered prey animals. Because of this they are Super Hyper aware of their surroundings at all times yet they give no judgment to each singular event. They just exist for that moment at that time and it is a beautiful thing to be a part of.

That exercise took me back to a moment in 2008 when I was on an adventure tour in Costa Rica.  In order to reach the section of the river where we were going whitewater tubing, we had to ride up the mountain on horseback. I was given a very spirited gelding who had a mind of his own. He kept deviating off course and just would not follow the rest of the pack. We had to cross over a stretch of rapids that I could see was about chest-high on some of the smaller horses. I almost drowned as a kid so I have a great respect for and sometimes fear of water. I was a bit scared so I had a very tight grip with my knees and on the reins of my equine guide. As we approached the rapids he kept trying to go his own way. The more I tugged on the reins the more cantankerous he became. Finally he just stopped, swung his head around and made eye contact with me. I felt the majesty of the animal and the peace of God in that moment. I lightened my grip on the reins as well as with my knees and allowed him to do his thing. He bypassed the group in the deepest part of the river, trotted on up in front, and finished leading the pack up to where we were going. Talk about just letting go and living in the moment...

Lyme's is as much a mental dis-ease as it is a physical one. It can be exhausting. When we first started looking at venues this year, I had not yet started my treatment. I had multiple symptoms of Lyme's but I had yet to really dive in and figure out what was going on. As the planning and my treatments both progressed, I often agonized over whether or not I would be able to even participate when RED Day finally rolled around. It is my absolute favorite work day of each year, so thoughts of not being able to attend an event I put so much into planning were wearing me down deeper. I finally decided to just have faith that I would be healed enough to contribute. I'm happy to say that though I didn't get to dig in the dirt or do anything physically labor-intensive yesterday, I was able to help paint the fencing for the community garden and pull some weeds in a flower bed. That singular moment of making a positive choice changed an entire day for me and will bless many kids in the future. Each moment matters, don't let them pass you by while worrying about the next one!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Clean water, clean system

I had clients in from Michigan today. As we were building rapport, they noticed that the water in my bottle was blue green in color. They said something along the lines of that is some interesting-looking water considering they have relatives not too terribly far from Flint!

I told them that I thought that water was God's greatest resource for us here on Earth. They agreed and said that it was very sad that unfortunately not everyone sees it that way. Then they went on to tell me how for years the tap water up in Flint has been brown, murky, stinky out of the tap and just not drinkable or usable for bathing. Deplorable really considering the wealth and resources our country has at its disposal.

I told them that I am battling multiple symptoms from Lyme's disease so I am drinking the purest and cleanest water I can possibly ingest to detox my system. My water is blue green in color because I am using Liquid Chlorophyll  to alkalize my system and purify my blood. My trace minerals are off because my system has just become so depleted over the last several years. In order to remineralize, I also drink a sole solution of Himalayan salt and filtered water. I added a good splash to my chlorophyll water today.

Most importantly is the purity and quality of the water itself. About a month ago I invested in a Berkey gravity water filter. I honestly cannot say enough good things about this system! Since it is not mechanical in nature, it will provide pure, clean water no matter what. If for any reason the municipal water supply is cut off, it will even filter pond or river water to 99.99% purity. I added flouride filters to mine as I think flouride is poison...shhh, don't tell the FDA....

This is Big Berkey!

Since I like to hike, I also have bought a really good portable filter to carry with me in the event I run out of the water I bring with me. Dehydration is deadly and often not discovered until you are in danger. You can live up to 3 weeks without food... but only three days without water. Not that I plan or intend to be so far away from civilization or get so lost I cannot find clean water for 3 days... however this Sawyer mini filter is very compact and filters up to 10,000 gallons of water! ( naturally I bought one in pink) They have even been used in Third World Countries. Not sure if either of these have been tried in Flint, and I am making no claim either way. I am just a consumer trying to help others.

Whether you are healing from a dis-ease or healthy as a proverbial horse, the more pure your water the easier your system (body) can operate. Without having to filter out the flouride in municipal water, heavy metals or bacteria present in well water, or the man-made chemicals seeping into both from our ground water your body is more readily able to absorb the water you take in as well as detox naturally.

If you have any questions about my healing regimen or would like to order any of the Liquid Chlorophyll I mentioned above let me know! If you are also battling Lyme's symptoms I would love to hear from you.