Wednesday, February 22, 2017

One-Year Lyme's Anniversary

Most anniversaries are happy occasions, they mark the passage of what are hopefully joyful times. Today is the one-year anniversary of my Lyme's self-diagnosis. Wish I could say I am filled with joy about it, yet in some way I am because a year ago today my life changed. I found answers that had eluded me for decades.

I have talked about it on here before, of how the good Lord literally led me to take a Lyme's assessment I saw on Facebook. At first I poo-pooed it like many of you probably have or will. Then suddenly the brain fog I had been living with for years was lifted and replaced by hope! I wasn't losing my ever-loving mind, and I wasn't aging quicker than I should be. I discovered I do have a debilitating condition...yet it is also a treatable one! If you are interested in taking it or even curious about the symptoms, it is worth the time invested. Click the link and scroll down to download the assessment. A detailed list of symptoms is also below:

By now some of you are yanking on the anchor, wanting to stop this ship in mid-sail. What do I mean..."self-diagnosis?" After I took this positively conclusive assessment I immediately started looking for a local Lyme-literate doctor. Everything I was reading prepared me that a typical, allopathic doctor will not treat for the dis-ease. I go to a naturopath anyway, so it was my instinct to head that direction. I found a clinic in Chapel Hill that looked promising! This is how my conversation went with the overly enthusiastic office manager:

Him: She is THE BEST Lyme's doctor in the country, patients just flock here!

Me: Great! So how does she diagnose? Does she do blood tests or what?

Him: No, blood tests are inconclusive at the chronic stage so she will diagnose based on symptoms. But she still draws blood anyway. You'll LOVE her!

Me: I had read that about the blood tests, and I have already done an extensive questionnaire. So, what does it cost and how long can I expect to be there for my first appointment?

Him: She charges $375/hour and you will be here around 3 hours. That price does not include your bloodwork. We have an opening 6 weeks from now, aren't you excited?

Me: Hmm. So, let me get this straight. I am to suffer for 6 more weeks without relief or answers. Then, I will be paying over a thousand bucks to get blood drawn for unnecessary labwork as well as fill out a detailed assessment I have already done myself for free? 

Him: But she's so good!

I hung up with Mr. Jolly and immediately called my naturopath, sent her my assessment results, booked an appointment to see her the following week. She made calls to doctors in her network and sent me a few things to do to get me by before my appointment. I ordered my infrared sauna and ionic detox footbath from Amazon, had them the next day.

Today at the one-year mark I took the assessment again, and there have been many improvements! My hair is no longer falling out, my daily migraine is now weekly, brain fog has diminished, memory is improving, fewer muscle twitches, night sweats are reduced, not as dizzy upon standing. Energy level is greatly improved. Many other changes and improvements yet I still have quite a ways to go for a complete reversal of symptoms. At least I am starting to have more good days than bad!

Lyme's is a whole-body condition that can affect every system and every organ of your body, that is precisely why it is notoriously mis-diagnosed and under-diagnosed. I helped one of my college friends self-diagnose this week after many years of her doctors not listening to her. It is a tricky condition, certainly frustrating at best and debilitating at worst. But it is one that IS treatable and I am determined to be a success story on the other end of my diagnosis. And with that, I am off to kill some spirochetes in my sauna ;-)

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What in the world is quantum biofeedback?

Dr. Kim and I have changed up my treatment protocol a bit...and it seems to be working! My body has fought and is winning the battle of eradicating viruses and bacterial infestations I have had for years. We are now able to specifically target the Lyme's spirochete and I feel like a superhero giving the smack-down to my personal Kryptonite some days. I have gone from weekly biofeedback sessions to now only needing one a month. You may think that a weekly anything isn't that big of a deal, and it isn't until you add in the 2 hour drive to Wilmington from Raleigh, another 2 hours sitting in a chair, then an additional 2 hour return to Raleigh. Yeah. Weekly visits even with someone as wonderful as Dr. Kim was getting OLD as Methuselah.

Since most of you are probably not familiar with the main treatment protocol I have chosen, I thought I would give you just a little bit of information about it. Essentially, Quantum Biofeedback is a machine based on quantum physics and it works with your body's biorhythms at the cellular and energetic level. It is pretty much hitting a full system reset button every time you do one of these sessions.

I am connected to a computer by 5 bands from 90 minutes to 2 hours each session. I admit, when I first started seeing Kim for this therapy for migraines several years ago I was a bit skeptical. Actually, so skeptical and enough of a brat that I had to try it out just to debunk the therapy. I initially purposely withheld things that were going on with my body and my bodily systems just to see if they were picked up on the software. To my amazement, many minute things showed up on the test Matrix...even a Cheezits binge several days prior to one session. (I know, right?) I quickly quit doubting the technology and now I gladly submit to this slightly esoteric therapy.

I have been asked if I feel anything during one of my sessions. I am one of those humans who is very attuned to what is going on within my system. I can usually tell what area Kim is working on, whether it be my gums, my central nervous system, my back, even my liver or gallbladder.  It doesn't hurt at all, but sometimes I can feel an organ twitch or jump or feel additional energy in certain areas. The biggest payoff is at the end of that hour and a half to two hour session when I am balanced, focused, and feel a sense of well-being about myself. It is worth the 6-7 hours out of a day, even for someone like me who is unable to sit still very well for 5 minutes.

What I like best about this technology is it resets the mind - body - spirit connection. Have you ever felt like things were just off and that you were not firing on all of your cylinders? Can you suspend your skepticism and disbelief enough to understand that a lot of dis-ease is caused by emotional blocks? Earl Nightingale said it best: "you become what you think about." Do you feel better about yourself when you are sitting around complaining, or when you are thanking God for being able to hear the birds sing that day? By the same token, when you are feeling awful does it help when you sit around and miserate about it or get out and try to do something to help someone else? And that my friends is precisely why I am writing this blog.

Yes, Lyme's dis-ease and its subsequent symptoms were caused by a microscopic critter that invaded my system decades ago. Years of self-abuse by eating the wrong things, not getting enough sleep, allowing emotional blocks to cause me to physically stumble...not following my heart let alone the God I believed in yet turned my back on. All of these factors contributed to my body not being able to clear the minute stealth bomber wreaking havoc in my body. Those days are over, friends, thanks to a vast array of nutritional supplements, lifestyle changes, an assortment of treatment modalities...and LOTS of prayer.