Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Rhymes With "Jerks"

Before reading any further than the title, those of you also suffering from Lyme's know exactly where this post is heading...

I am again plagued with the Herx...herxes....the dreaded Herxheimer reaction. Funny that one delineation of the term rhymes with "jerks" as 1) my muscles are jerking and twitching randomly and 2) I am being a jerk because I feel quite dreadful. To borrow a phrase from my Granny, I am "ill as a dern hornet." In researching for this blog post I came across the below description which accurately describes what my body is enduring right now.

Along with the above list is the feeling of overwhelm, especially in a Type-A, dominate/driver personality such as yours truly. You want to get everything done on your list, and you try really hard, but mentally you just can't juggle all your tasks that day. The important things get done, other things fall by the proverbial wayside. Exhaustion sets in because of the previous night's insomnia, and a nap sounds like a fabulous idea...until you lay down and your central nervous system won't let you rest. Then the brain kicks in about the tasks you aren't doing. Then my favorite....just can't get comfortable. Phantom itching that isn't really there and tingling, over-sensitive skin that has caused me to rip or cut almost every tag out of every item of clothing I own. 

So, what caused it this time? We switched up my supplements again, changed my protocol to include colloidal silver as well as a yeast/fungal detox regimen. Silver is a very powerful anti-pathogen that kills virus, fungus, bacteria, you name it. It has been used for centuries to treat everything from eye infections to hepatitis to even treating drinking water. This is where the saying "born with a silver spoon" came from as it was discovered the aristocracy suffered much less and were apparently immune to many plagues and infections that wiped out entire populations. They ate with silver utensils and drank from silver cups. In my case, the same silver is wiping out entire populations of creepy crawly microscopic critters that have been plaguing me for years. 

Oddly enough, the Herxheimer reaction is also called a "healing crisis." Let that sink in. Healing is restoration, and a crisis is an intense, often dangerous situation. In essence, I am in an intensely dangerous state of restoration. Don't worry, it isn't physically dangerous as it isn't going to kill me...I just feel wretched. Believe it or not, the dreaded Herx is a sign of improving health.

I search for God's grace in every situation, and it is here with me during this one. I struggled harder yesterday that I am today, and on the way home from the office I remembered I would need to pull the recycyling bin back around the building. That was the LAST thing I wanted to do so I decided it would sit there until it either rusted to the ground or melted in the sun. I did the Scarlett O'hara thing, I would worry about it tomorrow. As I turned the corner I cut my eyes towards my driveway and the blue cart...and it wasn't there. Tears immediately streamed in relief and gratitude. A super sweet neighbor had taken it back for me, she made my day and I couldn't thank her enough. I have asked God for rapid healing, prayed for it mulitple times a day...perhaps He has His hands on me after all.

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