Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I'm a human cat

Lyme's symptoms make you feel like you are crawling out of your skin. Or at least want to. You just can't escape the involuntary twitches, the incessant tinnitus, the anxiety that creeps in when you know you should physically be able to accomplish more than your body is allowing you that day.

I feel like I am a cat at times. I vascilate between wanting to be outside around the General Public when I am at home. Likewise, when I am out and about I pretty much want to be back home miserating in bed. I walk outside to get a few minutes of sunshine and fresh air just to remember an email I need to send.  I'll run back inside and sit back down at my computer and forget what I was getting ready to do. Then I look back out the window and see how pretty it is and think wow, it sure would be nice to get some fresh air and sunshine. So I will mosey back outside and the forgotten email will make a reappearance.

I am grateful that I don't have it worse as I am able to live a mostly normal life. I am not bound to a wheelchair or walker like some sufferers. I am still able to reasonably do my job as well as drive to and from Wilmington for my treatments. I go to church every week no matter how I am feeling, and I manage to tuck in one social activity each week if I am able. The grace of God and a lot of determination still afford me a life worth living.

I started this blog as a way to get out of my own head. To try to bridge the gap between those of us that have and those of you who do not have these symptoms. I daily look for the bright side of things; it is just my nature to do so. Those of you who are non-believers may not get this, but I actually thank God for blessing me with this. It is allowing me time to emotionally heal from past wounds and transgressions. Since I am a bit more vocal than most, it also lets me put a face and description to this set of dastardly symptoms.  Most importantly, it allows me more time to draw closer to Him. I have gotten a lot of mileage out of Jeremiah 29:11, so much so that I really have not asked Him why I have been given this load to carry.

Today has been one of those days where I've dropped and broken things, my hands aching so badly I'm composing a good portion of this via talk-to-text. But the sun is shining, there's a light breeze blowing, and I'm able to walk. I'm going to get out and enjoy it for at least a few minutes! As always, I welcome your comments, questions and advise if you or a loved one are also a human cat...

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

There are no coincidences....

I put this little blog together last night while I had my feet in the detox bath. Yesterday was a bad symptom day and I felt miserable so I figured why not do something that may be of benefit to someone else? The combination did the trick as I am feeling a bit better today.

We take our physical health for granted and emotionally still feel like we ought to be able to do the things we were capable of when we were 18. I'm not going to lie, this has knocked me on my booty. There have been days this past winter when I was showing property that my hands ached so badly I could barely turn the dial on the lock box. But I did it anyway, because that's what you do when you are a professional and your clients are counting on you. In many ways, my physical discomfort has made me much tougher emotionally and spiritually. And that is what gets me through the times of physical distress.

I don't believe in coincidences. I remember a couple of years ago I ran into a seller on the way out of her home when I was on the way in to show it. She was using a walker, she was about my age, and she looked at me and said that she had Lyme's disease. Looking back, I have said many prayers for that lady, prayers for her healing and for the emotional battle the physical ailments are causing her.

I don't know where this blog is going or where my Lyme's journey will take me, but I have faith and believe in my heart that somehow God will bring this around for good...if it's not but just to show a different approach to healing. Or maybe inspire someone else to get out of bed that day and go to work even when they're aching all over. Perhaps it will be to bring awareness to this condition as there are people who suffer with this silently without even knowing they have it. Then there are those who have been told that this is all in their head or they have been misdiagnosed and given medications that they don't need.

Regardless, thank you for taking the time to read this. If you or one of your loved ones also suffers from this condition, I would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Holistic approach to life...and Lyme

I have a confession to make: I've been holding out on you. In this age of social media where everyone knows you had a green smoothie for breakfast, are planning a week in Maui for vacation, attend church regularly, and purple is your favorite color...I've not publicly discussed something major going on in my life. Part of the reason is I'm still wrapping my mind around it and dealing with the long term implications.

I am being treated for Lyme's Disease. Notice I didn't say "I have Lyme's Disease." When you claim a dis-ease it then owns you and you become grouped in a category. Instead, my Naturopathic Doctor and I are calling it what it is: I am being treated for a systemic imbalance that causes symptoms of Lyme's Disease. 

Of all places, I was led to a Lyme's Disease test on Facebook. I truly believe God led me there as I was searching for answers for my declining health and prayed for guidance and discernment. So I took a test and was astounded by the results. Here is the Cliff's Notes list of symptoms, each of which sneaked up on me over time and overlapped each other, or disguised themselves as something else.

Migraines. Joint pain. Stiff neck. TMJ. Tinnitus. Short term memory lapses. Light sensitivity. Muscle spasms. Muscle pain. Anxiety/panic attacks. Gluten intolerance. Teeth pain. Heart palpitations. Extreme fatigue. Insomnia. Hair loss. Hearing loss. Dropping things. Tingling/numbness in hands and feet. Brain fog. Forgetfulness. Disorientation. 

That is only 1/4 of the list, by the way, and the worst of my biggest offenders. Some symptoms are moderate to severe, some only occasional. All of them add up to a big ol' hot mess of a miserable human being. I finally realized those are NOT part of the normal aging process, not by a long shot. That's what sent me searching for answers in the first place.

When I first started researching, I knew that I was going to take a holistic, whole-body approach. It's what makes sense to me. I've never been a big fan of pumping your body full of chemicals to mask a symptom instead of uncovering and treating the underlying root cause. I prayed for guidance in this area as well, this is the route I'm taking.

I have been going to Wilmington once a week for the last 2 months to receive Quantum Biofeedback. I am taking a double-handful of herbal supplements, probiotics, homeopathics, anti-viral amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and overall cellular detox herbs 3 times a day. I have purchased a Far Infrared Sauna tent that I sit in 1-3 times a week. I use an ionic detox foot bath 2-3 times a week. I do a detox soak in the bath tub 2-3 times a week. This is in addition to my weekly chiropractic adjustment and monthly massage with Craniosacral Therapy

What I'm saying is it is taking a lot of willpower, time, focus...and prayer...as I detox from the critters that have invaded my central nervous system and vital organs. It ain't fun, y'all, not by a long shot. But I knew I couldn't keep watching my health decline. I have had a few of these symptoms for a decade, they're not going to just disappear overnight absent a miracle. So, I am committed to doing whatever it takes for the next 6 months to 2 years or however long it takes. 

I will post updates regularly, take pics of my little sauna tent, show you the NASTY detox water from the foot bath (it's disgusting), and answer any questions you may have. If anyone else is also on the road to healing, I would welcome any comments or suggestions from you!